Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Shaw, Arms and Heroes - 758 Words

The Nobel Prize winning author George Bernard Shaw was born on July 26, 1856 in Dublin, Ireland. During his early years, Shaw and his two older siblings received their education from their clerical uncle whom provided them with tutoring sessions. He received an irregular education because he disliked the idea of organized training. Shaw grew to explore and appreciate various art forms through the influence of his mother whom would take him on a regular basis to visit the National Gallery of Ireland. During the year 1872, Shaw’s mother left his father taking his two older sisters with her to London. Shaw decided to join his family in London four years later after deciding to pursue writing. His mother supported Shaw financially as he strove to write his first few novels. Unfortunately, these novels met with failure. Publishers rejected them. Therefore, Shaw turned his attention away from novel writing to focus on British academic politics and activities. He joined the Fabian So ciety during the year 1884 and quickly became heavily integrated within the group. The following year Shaw was able to find writing opportunities by composing critical reviews of literature, art, music and theatre. Shaw was persuaded to join the Saturday Review as a theatre critic in 1895. Shaw took advantage of his position and â€Å"decided to write plays in order to illustrate his criticism of the English stage†. Thus, his first collection of works Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant was published in 1898. TheShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book Land Of The Free And The Immigrant 940 Words   |  4 Pagesto our future. This has always been a part of the greatness of America, which we celebrated this past Independence Day.† Along these lines, one can deduce the ideology that America accepts immigrants with open arms, eager to incorporate them into the melting pot of America. Further, these arms do not discriminate, as past wrongdoings are absolved. Amir’s life in S an Francisco is splendid and he quickly assimilates into the local community and the American way of life. Thus, after enduring the laboriousRead MoreArms and the Man Theme2938 Words   |  12 PagesGeorge Bernard Shaw wrote  Arms and the Man  in 1893 during the Victorian era when most plays were lighter dramas or comedies in the vein of  The Importance of Being Earnest,  which was a play about manners and other Victorian conventions. Still, in many ways, Arms and the Man, despite some of its themes, is a perfect example of  Victorian literature. The play opened to the British public in 1894 to mixed reviews and was one of the plays included in the Plays Pleasant Volume which included a few of Shaw’sRead MoreCritical Analysis of ‘Arms and the Man’ by G.B Shaw with special reference to the language and relevance of the piece3275 Words   |  14 PagesMALOBIKA SEN Semester: III Roll No Section: â€Å"The world is not such an innocent place as we used to think, Petkoff.† (Act III, p. 67) Table of Contents: 1. Introduction; The Subject matter of the Play †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦3 2. Background of ‘Arms the Man’†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 5 3. Analysis of the Style and Language of the Play†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 6 4. Relevance of the Play†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 7 5. Bibliography†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 8 Introduction: The Subject matter ofRead MoreWhen one looks at how the media continues to communicate certain messages to the American public,1400 Words   |  6 Pagesresponsibility to keep their man’s physical talents top secret. As both Larry and Doug are positioned in a traditional masculine manner by having their brawny arms flexed around their hips, the cheerleaders surrounding them are bending down to show off their sexy and fit bodies. The message remains through the decades that in terms of our athletic heroes, it is the women’s job to serve the supporting role of serving in their best interests. As Potter explains, the media has remained just as influential asRead More African Americans in the American Civil War Essay examples2401 Words   |  10 Pagestake part in fighting to free all slaves. Their opportunity to be soldiers and fight along side white men equally did not come easily, but eventually African Americans proved themselves able to withstand the he at of battle and fight as true American heroes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The road to freedom from slavery was a long and hard for the African Americans. In the northern states the Civil War began as a fight against the succession of the Confederate states from the Union. Abraham Lincoln, who was President at thisRead MoreEnlightment of Education in Pygmalion and Educating Rita9449 Words   |  38 PagesTop of Form [pic]  Ã‚        Ã‚     Ã‚     Ã‚     Ã‚     Ã‚     [pic]  [pic] Bottom of Form Share on mymailruShare on facebookShare on twitterShare on vkMore Sharing Services0 | | |Ð’Ð ¾Ã ¹Ã'‚Ð ¸ |Literary analysis of the play Pygmalion by G.B. Shaw -  ÃËœÃ ½Ã ¾Ã' Ã'‚Ã'€Ð °Ã ½Ã ½Ã'‹Ð ¹ Ã' Ã ·Ã'‹Ð ºÃ‚  -Ã'€Ð µÃ'„Ð µÃ'€Ð °Ã'‚ | |Top of Form |Plan: | |Email |   Read MoreEssay about John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln3151 Words   |  13 Pagesa businessman named Clay Shaw played by Tommy Lee Jones. Clay Shaw is accused of setting up the plan to kill Kennedy.While talking with Shaw , Jim also shows why he thinks the Magic bullet and Single bullet theory are almost impossible to occur. After Garrison talks with many people who know of anything with the assassination like; Mr. X(hes part of the black ops), Mr. Farry(friends with Clay Shaw, later killed , unknown death), he finds a lot of info that is against Shaw.I think the movie likeRead MoreCase Study : My Case Study1949 Words   |  8 Pagestelevision and having a fairly easy time navigating his games. He has fast and accurate coordination from both his thumbs to input commands on his controller. Soon after, he is called to have dinner with his family where he uses his fork and spoon with full arm moveme nt and gripping his utensil without much error. His diet consists of home cooking from his father which includes Cuban cuisine and Mexican dishes as well. In the mornings, Sanchez eats breakfast at the school. His bedtime is 8 PM and wakes upRead MoreFilipino Sculptures3621 Words   |  15 PagesTransfiguration, Eternal Gardens Memorial Park (1979), UP Gateway (1967), Nine Muses (1994), UP Faculty Center, Sunburst (1994)-Peninsula Manila Hotel, the bronze figure of Teodoro M. Kalaw in front of National Library, and murals in marble at the National Heroes Shrine, Mt. Samat, Bataan. One masterpiece he dedicates to the  Boholanos  is the  Sandugo  or  Blood Compact  shrine in Bohol,  Tagbilaran City, a landmark at the site of the first international treaty of friendship between  Spaniardsand  Filipinos. ThisRead MoreIslamic Terrorism and the Attack of September 11 Essay3155 Words   |  13 PagesAmericans point of view reality does not exist until they arrive on the scene. Suffering does not exist until they suffer. The tragedy of the Native American experience is something which many Americans have never fully acknowledged.    Rosalind Shaw, another religion and myth studies scholar has been outspoken about methods of cultural inquiry and how the conditions of production in which knowledge has been constituted [has been] within unequal power relationships between white Western anthropologists

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Comcast and Time Warner Cable Merger - 523 Words

Most everyone subscribes to some type of cable service. When Comcast announced plans to merge with Time Warner Cable back in February, Congress was quick to criticize the deal (Popelka). Many members of Congress were not in favor of the merger, and rumors of an antitrust review were imminent (Popelka). This is a great example of how U.S. antitrust policy has turned into a political game( Popelka). Politicians may gain supporters, but no one is going to decrease the cost of cable service to consumers (Popelka). Antitrust laws were put into place for a reason. The Sherman Antitrust Act was created to prevent monopolistic activities that diminish consumer choice or competition (Popelka). In this case, the merger between these two companies will not take away consumer choice because they operate in different geographies (Popelka). Cable companies are struggling to keep up with the demands of younger consumers who are interested in online services instead of cable (Popelka). Politicians w ho oppose this merger are using the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) to evaluate monopoly status (Popelka). Comcast has found a way around this so they can stay below a mythical 30 percent HHI market share threshold (Popelka). Comcast will be appearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee in April to answer questions about the merger with Time Warner Cable (Carr). Many want to know how it is possible for the largest cable company to acquire the second largest cable company (Carr).Show MoreRelatedComcast And Time Warner Cable Merger Essay1954 Words   |  8 Pagesï » ¿ Comcast and Time Warner Cable Merger Haley Miller, April Brooks-Price, Heather Henley, Germaine Wright, and Anthony Young American InterContinental University Abstract Included in this paper the firms I the proposed merger are described thoroughly. Annual sales and extent of their operations are listed. The incentives to consolidate from the firm’s point of view are shown. The product, production methods, scale of production, and sources for raw materials are described alongRead MoreThe Reason Why Time Warner And Comcast975 Words   |  4 PagesThe reason why Time Warner and Comcast is being researched in this paper is due to a research assignment evaluating financial foundation principles. Time Warner and Comcast are both prominent cable and communications providers. Looking at both company’s mission and vision statements, ethics policy, and ethical principles, one can discover the company corporate governance structure. In detail the report research will compare and contrast the company financial records, code of ethics, and searchRead MoreMergers Within Media Companies And Organizations1589 Words   |  7 Pagescommon being m ergers and acquisitions, joint ownerships, joint ventures, and formal and informal cooperative ventures. (Albarran 34) The expertise of people that work for the respective companies already are now able to work together and helps build new content. Combined expertise also helps open up doors to reach new target audiences and demographics. Many companies form alliances to help share in production and distribution costs. The purpose of this paper is to focus on different mergers within mediaRead MoreComcast : Global Media And Technology Company With Two Primary Businesses2194 Words   |  9 PagesLooking at the media giant that is Comcast, the first thing that often comes into mind is the realization of how massive and intricate of a corporation it is. Comcast, as a business, defines itself as a â€Å"global media and technology company with two primary businesses: Comcast Cable and NBCUniversal† (Comcast Corporation). In the industry, Comcast provides the most residential an d business telephone, Internet, and video services nation wide (Reese and Anderson, Comcast - Broadband Service†). CoupledRead MoreWarner Cable And The Cable Industry Essay1718 Words   |  7 PagesTime Warner Cable was originally founded in 1973 about 43 years ago. It was originally known as Warner Cable until in 1990 they change to Time Warner Cable. Time Warner Cable has the name originated in 1992 by a merger of Time Inc cable television Company American television and Communications Corporation for two years the two companies operated separately until in 1992 when they finally merged into the name Time Warner Cable. In March of 2009, Time Warner the parent company of Time Warner CableRead MoreMajor Ways Of A Company Essay1543 Words   |  7 Pagesachieved through two means: merger and takeover. In a merger, the two companies agree to combine the resources of the two companies so as to focus its operations on areas profitable to the two companies. Additionally, In a take over, a company chooses to buy the majority shares of another company so that the company with the larger number of shares eventually controls the business activities of the company and assume maximum responsibility for the company’s production (The Times 100, n.d.). So, in generalRead MoreAnalysis Of Davis Service Group And The Opportunity It Afforded The Companys Entering Into The Eu Market1656 Words   |  7 Pagesachieved through two means: merger and takeover. In a merger, the two companies agree to combine the resources of the two companies so as to focus its operations on areas profitable to the two companies. Additionally, In a takeover, a company chooses to buy the majority shares of another company so that the company with the larger number of shares eventually controls the business activities of the company and assume maximum responsibility for the company’s production (The Times 100, n.d.). So, in generalRead MoreBenefits Of Comcast Cable And Nbcuniversal1 747 Words   |  7 PagesComcast had an exceptional year in 2016. Stock prices reached an all-time high, while revenue, assets, and operating cash flow toppled analysts’ projections. The global media and technology company has two primary businesses: Comcast Cable and NBCUniversal. These two businesses make up the five reportable business segments which are: cable communications, cable networks, broadcast television, filmed entertainment, and theme parks. Below is the revenue, operating income before depreciation and amortizationRead MoreAol : The First Internet Service Providers Essay1362 Words   |  6 Pagestheir products and services. Time Warner was established after the merger between Time Inc. and Warner Brothers in 1989. Time Warner was assisted in introducing media brands such as magazines, music, movies and television businesses. Time Warner offers services from cable, internet and phone services. It comes in third after Comcast and Disney in the world’s largest television networks. In addition to be the third-largest cable operator in the United States. Time Warner serves more than 14 millionRead MoreOligopoly, Monopoly, And Costs1861 Words   |  8 PagesThe New York Post’s business article, Comcast-Time Warner Cable Critics Fired up, written by Claire Atkinson and Josh Kosman, discusses the Comcast and Time Warner Merger. Comcast has a deal with Time Warner that Comcast will pay $48.5 billion for the company. This deal is currently being reviewed by FCC. There is a possible violation of antitrust laws, as this deal may cause Comcast to be a monopoly of the cable industry. Many companies, l ike Amazon, Netflix, Dish Network, and Discovery Communications

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Personal Statement on Educational Qualification †Free Samples

Question: Disccuss about the Personal Statement on the Educational Qualification. Answer: A personal assessment statement looks into assessing the various abilities of an individuals character and it looks into the goals and aspiration of an individual (Stanton Stanton, 2013). The current assessment is done based on the educational qualification that is inherent to the individual. I have pursued finance in my major and the questions have been answered in accordance to it. Professional education goals I took up finance as my preferred subject for pursuing my Major because the commerce industry has been my aspiration from a very early age. I want to be a part of the finance industry and work in the leading organizations of the sector. The professional education goal that I have is to be a financial analyst of an organization and provide my inputs in the budgeting and other financial decisions. I want to get into the industry and create a mark for myself by bringing in innovation in this industry that does not find many innovators in the working. Themanagement of financial risks that are involved in running an organization is one of the most challenging profiles for me and I wish to be part of the process. Various organizational non-responsiveness are found on part of themanagement towards the various inputs that are put forward by the financial analyst (Blagoeva et al., 2016). Dealing with such situations and allowing the company to stay a step ahead in the market in times of finan cial crisis has been one of the major professional education goals for me since pursuing a degree in the Finance. Using the education Finance is a sector that has its validity everywhere (Gitman, Juchau Flanagan, 2015). Investment is a practice that is prevalent in every part of the society. Be it from huge organizations or any small amount from a family for a certain cause, everything falls under the category of finance and investments (Titman, Keown Martin, 2017). The use of a finance degree to manage various investments in the family finance is essential and I do help my family in dealing with the investments and make the call for them so that the funds are safe and secure. Every family has a budget for expenses and investments separately and in my family I look after the investment budget and make sure that they the investments are done in the right places so that loses are not incurred to the family. I plan the investment routine for my family so that the cycle is maintained. I make sure that the investments that are made benefits the family members by providing them with tax exemptions and likewise advantag es. The analysis of the investment and regulating them in accordance to their market position, the buying and selling of shares in the trading market for the family investments, evaluating the profit and loss for the economics of the family are some of the work that are benefitted due to a degree in finance (Hibbert, A. M., Lawrence, E. R., Prakash, 2013). Contribution of education to professional development Education always helps an individual to develop himself into a person who is professionally able to cope with all the needs that arise in the workplace day-to-day. Schools and colleges make sure that along with the degree that they hand out to their students, they also teach skills that are effective in real professional world so that the pupils can attain success in their respective workplaces (Moon, 2013). The finance degree has allowed me to understand the various analysis techniques that are required to plan an investment and to understand the risks that are involved in taking the various financial decisions. The conduct in the professional world are imparted through this degree as I have been assigned many practical projects that have allowed me to know the real world features of the workplace. Education in finance subject has helped me in getting an insight into the industry in a better way and the various threats are well known to me. In case of situations that will need immed iate attention on part of the budget analyzer, I have acquired skills of riskmanagement and financial damage control that will help me in dealing with those situations in my workplace. Such risks may include a degradation in the company image, market share and monetary loss (McNeil, Frey Embrechts, 2015). Essay In the next step of my education, I wish to pursue a Phd in finance. Finance is a subject that piques my interest every time and I wish to learn more about the subject so that I can have a greater hold over the subject in total. After majors are completed, I wish to delve into a deeper understanding o the subject by opting for a Phd course on the same. The step will allow me to know the various theories in details and need me to submit a dissertation on a topic of research decided by me. The upcoming step shall enrich me with the knowledge of the micro and macro economic theories that are prevalent in the world and the entire financial system bases on those. I will select economic theories for my paper in Phd as I aim to understand the functioning of the global economy and its various practices in a wider perspective. The program will make me aware of the theories ofrisk management and conducting the research for the dissertation will be a challenging task as according to Street Ric hardson, (2015) getting a sample base to respond to the research methodology in a genuine way is difficult. The step will allow me asses the various economic failures that have been witnessed in the market and I will analyze them aligning them to the theoretical aspects of finance. My previous education life has been based on the lines of finance and my degrees are in finance as it remains my strength throughout and I like exploring the subject further and deeper. I have worked on college projects that needed me creating hypothetical situations and their various analysis and interpretation. These experiences have enabled me in understanding the style of analysis that is required to deal with issues that arise within an organization due to financial debacles. It also enabled me in evaluating the reasons that lead to such financial loses and debacles in and around the market for certain companies. The Phd program relates to my previous degree in finance as I have been studying the cor e concepts in those courses and a Phd will help me in getting a better understanding of those concepts in much detail. I have always wished for a career in finance and financial analysis. Financial analysis and budgeting is a goal that I wish to accomplish in life at a certain stage. Budgeting and analysis I believe adds a challenging aspect to a job and being a financial expert I wish to deal with these challenges in order to come up ideas that will benefit the organization of which I will be a part. Capital budgeting is the process in which the amount of budget that will be assigned to a certain investment is decided (Grob, 2013). The finance of an organization needs expert calls at certain stages to ensure that growth, development is achieved in the field, and the organization does not face any stagnation in the overall performance (Custdio Metzger, 2014). The finance degree and education present in my profile will allow me to handle the financial decisions effectively because o f the theoretical that has been imparted in me as a part of the education that I have received. References Blagoeva, R. R., Mom, T., Jansen, J. J., George, G. (2016, January). Organizational Non (Responsiveness) to Negative External Feedback from Financial Analysts. InAcademy of Management Proceedings(Vol. 2016, No. 1, p. 12252). Academy of Management. Custdio, C., Metzger, D. (2014). Financial expert CEOs: CEO? s work experience and firm? s financial policies.Journal of Financial Economics,114(1), 125-154. Gitman, L. J., Juchau, R., Flanagan, J. (2015).Principles of managerial finance. Pearson Higher Education AU. Grob, H. L. (2013).Capital budgeting with financial plans: an introduction. Springer-Verlag. Hibbert, A. M., Lawrence, E. R., Prakash, A. J. (2013). Does knowledge of finance mitigate the gender difference in financial risk-aversion?.Global Finance Journal,24(2), 140-152. McNeil, A. J., Frey, R., Embrechts, P. (2015).Quantitative risk management: Concepts, techniques and tools. Princeton university press. Moon, J. A. (2013).Reflection in learning and professional development: Theory and practice. Routledge. Stanton, A. D. A., Stanton, W. W. (2013). Building" Brand Me": Creating a personal brand statement.Marketing Education Review,23(1), 81-86. Street, C. N., Richardson, D. C. (2015). Lies, damn lies, and expectations: How base rates inform lietruth judgments.Applied Cognitive Psychology,29(1), 149-155. Titman, S., Keown, A. J., Martin, J. D. (2017).Financial management: Principles and applications. Pearson.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Complete Guide to Link Building

There was a time when you could buy thousands of spam links and see your website get high rankings in search engine results pages. Today, this is unthinkable. Search engines, especially Google, value quality links over quantity. But getting quality links can be difficult. Now you canuseSEO content servicesor develop your own link connections. Building high-quality links should be a key goal for any business hoping to compete in a thriving online marketplace. Quality links bring visitors to your website and they boost your search rankings. Free Actionable Bonus: Looking to elevate your SEO strategy? We partnered with Jay Baer of Convince Convert to create this free ebook on 6 Ways to Fix Your Barebones SEO Strategy What Exactly is Link Building? Put simply, link building is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. When ranking web pages, Google looks at the keywords within links (anchor texts) and also the number of links pointing to a web page. Basically, if you have more high-quality links pointing to your site, Google sees you as a more valuable resource and rewards you with higher search rankings. The benefits are clear: Attract more quality traffic to your website Increase the credibility of your brand Convert more consumers into loyal customers The Importance of Quality Backlinks Quality backlinks are important because they indicate that other websites value your content. A link from a credible site is like a vote for your site to be listed in the search results pages. The word â€Å"credible† is important here. Quality backlinks include links from authoritative sites that are relevant to your industry and also contain valuable content. Although Google doesn’t advocate developing backlinks purely for SEO purposes, useful backlinks should arise through the running of a successful, value adding business and is still considered a white hat marketing technique. Quantity used to matter; now it’s the quality of each link that counts. More quality backlinks will help your site gain higher search engine rankings, and this should lead to more traffic. Backlinks that use your URL are good, but keyword-rich anchor text links are very useful; these tell Google and other search engines to list your site under those keywords. Key Link Building Strategies If many hyperlinks using certain keywords and phrases point to a page, that page has a better chance of ranking well for those keywords. But how do you get others to link to your pages using relevant anchor texts? Ultimately, you must have something that others find useful or share-worthy. If you start with something worth linking to, you’ve already won half the battle. Tips to encourage more backlinks: Consistently publish high-quality, unique articles Get listed on local business directories Ask loyal customers and business associates to link to you Build a company blog Engage in social media Contribute to other blogs Provide testimonials for other local businesses Create â€Å"linkable assets† such as surveys, infographics, white papers, and videos 1. Think Local and Topical Links from other sites with content related to your industry are going to have more value than links from unrelated sites. Therefore, it’s important to try to build relationships with others in your industry to increase your relevancy in the eyes of Google. Try using your local business connections to get relevant links from other businesses or use an SEO writer who already has connections. 2. Connect With Trusted Domains Poor-quality links will harm your search rankings, so aim to build a strong set of links from high-quality, trustworthy domains, not â€Å"spammy† sites. Avoid the following: Links to poor-quality websites with little useful content Links to unrelated content Links that no longer work (broken links) Internal links that use exactly the same keywords Links that are paid for 3. Bad Neighborhood Links Google is trying to devalue links coming from â€Å"bad neighborhoods† – SEO slang for websites involved in dubious SEO techniques. Therefore, you should avoid links from and to link farms, sites featuring ads for pills, porn, and casinos, sites with too many adverts, and sites with poorly-written content. 4. The Power of Social Media More content is being shared on social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+ than ever before. While there is still a debate among marketers about how beneficial social signals are, there is evidence that social shares etc. do ultimately affect rankings. If anything, social networks give you a quality link to your website from your profile, and they’re a great place to earn natural links. The trick is to create content that people want to share and link to. 5. Keep It Fresh Search engines use the freshness of links to determine the current popularity and relevance of a website and its content. However, the SEO power of links tends to decay over time, so it’s important to continually build your link profile so that your site remains relevant and credible to search engines. How to Create Link Worthy Content If you know anything about search engine optimization, then you understand how important it is to create link-worthy content. It may take more time, planning, and strategy, but it’s worth it. According to Andrey Lipattsev, Search Quality Senior Strategist at Google, high-quality content and link building are the two most important signals used by Google to rank your website. High-quality links show your relevance to search engines, build audience trust, and drive more relevant referral traffic to your website. What is Link-Worthy Content? In simple terms, link-worthy content is well-written, useful, authoritative, and accessible. Typically, the content falls under one of the following four categories: Educational: it teaches readers something new. Informational: it features news and opinions. Entertaining: it provides amusement and stirs emotions. Inspirational: it motivates people to take action or think differently. How to Create Link-Worthy Content To make your content more shareable and link-worthy, it should: Answer crucial audience questions. Be interesting and engaging. Be original and authentic. Be better than other similar content. Offer actionable information. Look professional. Be easy to read and scannable. What’s more, your content should be credible. To boost its credibility, make sure that: The design complements the copy. Your about page and home page are accessible from the content. You provide sources for data and statistics. You link out to authoritative sources that support the topic. The more credible you look, the more chance the content has to gain momentum. Also, linking out to other websites will improve the chances of others linking back to you. Link-Worthy Content Examples Evergreen Content Trending topics and news stories have more immediate appeal, but they have a shorter shelf life. Evergreen content remains useful and relevant long after it’s published, so it’s likely to attract more links over time. For example: Resource guides and how-to posts. They teach people something new and act as a handy checklist. White papers and ebooks. They give you an opportunity to show your industry expertise. Interviews Why not approach someone with knowledge of your industry for an interview? You can control the questions and turn it into something applicable to your business and target audience. As well as conducting interviews over the phone and email, you can also video an interview if participants are willing. Strong Opinion Posts These posts may not be liked by those who disagree with you, but at least they’re not bland. As long as you’re honest, they can build your credibility. What’s more, people that share your viewpoint are more likely to link to the content as it validates their opinion. Original Research Try to do your own original research that offers readers new data that they can share with others. According to a report by BuzzSumo, sites that publish well-researched content backed by evidence and data have a significantly higher number of referring domain links. Original Visual Content If you create original visual content, other bloggers and businesses are more likely to link to it, as it’s unavailable elsewhere. Publish more infographics, screenshots, graphs, images, and illustrations. These individual visual elements can encourage people to link to your content. Wrapping Up High-quality backlinks continue to play a major part in every successful SEO strategy. To summarize the above points, link-worthy content should: Educate, inform, entertain, or inspire readers. Be interesting, original, useful, and credible. Be professionally presented and easy to read. Answer popular and specific audience questions. Contain original data, statistics, and visuals. Reference authoritative sources. If you follow these steps for every piece of content you create, you’re more likely to generate valuable backlinks for years to come. Need help creating high-quality SEO content? We can help.